Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mortgage payments falling behind? Maybe we can help.

There is no dispute that this is tough times with a lot of home owners. Here in Florida I have spoke to good people with good intentions that find themselves in a bad situation. These people were either misguided into a mortgage that depleted their equity along with the market place and now find themselves forced to make a mortgage payment much higher than they originally were paying or they had good intentions of repairing their credit with plans of refinancing into a more competitive mortgage in a certain amount of time only to see that the market place has eliminated the equity needed to refinance and now their mortgage payment is adjusting to a level they cannot afford. Other people have ran into tougher times with their employment status and find themselves paralyzed by their mortgage payment.

After hearing these situations over and over again I have put together a team of professionals that specializes in helping homeowners that have fallen behind on their mortgage payments by negotiating with their lender for a settlement to their home mortgage. The homeowner can then walk from the property without their credit being destroyed by a foreclosure or bankruptcy. There is no cost to the home owner. My team makes our money by negotiating the settlement with the lender and purchasing the property. We then find a buyer that can purchase the property.

By putting professionals in the right position we can expedite the process helping preserve the credit and financial situation of the homeowner. If you know a friend, co-worker, or even a family member in this or a similar situation please have them give us a call at 813-242-2744. Even when expedited this process can take up to 3-6 months.

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